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Bases: ArgumentParser

Parser to parse command-line arguments for CHANfiG.

ConfigParser is a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser. It provides new parse_config and parse method to parse command-line arguments to CHANfiG.Config object.

parse_config will read the configuration and determine possible arguments and their types. This makes it more favourable than parse as it has strict name checking.

parse will try to parse any command-line arguments, even if they are not pre-defined by add_argument. This allows to relief the burden of adding tons of arguments for each tuneable parameter. In the meantime, there is no mechanism to notify you if you made a typo in command-line arguments.

ConfigParser override parse_args method to ensure the output is a NestedDict.

Source code in chanfig/
class ConfigParser(ArgumentParser):  # pylint: disable=C0115
    Parser to parse command-line arguments for CHANfiG.

    `ConfigParser` is a subclass of `argparse.ArgumentParser`.
    It provides new `parse_config` and `parse` method to parse command-line arguments to `CHANfiG.Config` object.

    `parse_config` will read the configuration and determine possible arguments and their types.
    This makes it more favourable than `parse` as it has strict name checking.

    `parse` will try to parse any command-line arguments, even if they are not pre-defined by `add_argument`.
    This allows to relief the burden of adding tons of arguments for each tuneable parameter.
    In the meantime, there is no mechanism to notify you if you made a typo in command-line arguments.

    `ConfigParser` override `parse_args` method to ensure the output is a `NestedDict`.

    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._registries["action"][None] = StoreAction
        self._registries["action"]["store"] = StoreAction

    def parse_config(  # pylint: disable=R0912
        args: Sequence[str] | None = None,
        config: Config | None = None,
        default_config: str | None = None,
        no_default_config_action: str = "raise",
    ) -> Config:
        Parse the arguments for `Config`.

        You may optionally specify a name for `default_config`,
        and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

        There are three levels of config:

        1. The base `Config` parsed into this method,
        2. The base config file located at the path of `default_config` (if specified),
        3. The config specified in arguments.

        Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).

            args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
            config (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
            default_config (str | None, optional): Path to default config file. Defaults to `Config`.
            no_default_config_action (str, optional): Action when `default_config` is not found.
                Can be one of `["raise", "warn", "ignore"]`. Defaults to `"raise"`.

            config: The parsed `Config`.

            ValueError: If `default_config` is specified but not found in args,
                and `no_default_config_action` is neither `warn` nor `ignore`.
            ValueError: If `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `warn` and `ignore`.

        See Also:
            [`parse`][chanfig.ConfigParser.parse]: Parse all command-line arguments.

            Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse_config(['--a', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()
            {'a': 1}

            You can only parse argument that is defined in `Config`.
            error: unrecognized arguments: --b 1
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse_config(['--b', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()  # doctest: +SKIP
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            SystemExit: 2

        if args is None:
            args = sys.argv[1:]

        if config is None:
            raise ValueError("config must be specified")

        if no_default_config_action not in ("warn", "ignore", "raise"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got {no_default_config_action}"

        # parse the command-line arguments
        parsed = self.parse_args(args)

        # parse the default config file
        if default_config is not None:
            parsed = self.merge_default_config(parsed, default_config, no_default_config_action)

        if config.getattr("parser", None) is not self:
            config.setattr("parser", self)
        return config.merge(parsed)

    def parse(  # pylint: disable=R0912
        args: Sequence[str] | None = None,
        config: Config | None = None,
        default_config: str | None = None,
        no_default_config_action: str = "raise",
    ) -> Config:
        Parse the arguments for `Config`.

        You may optionally specify a name for `default_config`,
        and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

        There are three levels of config:

        1. The base `Config` parsed into this method,
        2. The base config file located at the path of `default_config` (if specified),
        3. The config specified in arguments.

        Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).

            args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
            config (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
            default_config (str | None, optional): Path to default config file. Defaults to `Config`.
            no_default_config_action (str, optional): Action when `default_config` is not found.
                Can be one of `["raise", "warn", "ignore"]`. Defaults to `"raise"`.

            config: The parsed `Config`.

            ValueError: If `default_config` is specified but not found in args,
                and `no_default_config_action` is neither `warn` nor `ignore`.
            ValueError: If `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `warn` and `ignore`.

        See Also:
            [`parse_config`][chanfig.ConfigParser.parse_config]: Only parse valid config arguments.

            Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--i.d', '1013', '--f.n', 'chang']).dict()
            {'i': {'d': 1013}, 'f': {'n': 'chang'}}

            Values in command line overrides values in `default_config` file.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--a', '2', '--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], default_config='config').dict()
            {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

            Values in `default_config` file overrides values in `Config` object.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], config=NestedDict(a=2), default_config='config').dict()
            {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

            ValueError will be raised when `default_config` is specified but not presented in command line.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config').dict()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            RuntimeError: default_config is set to config, but not found in args.

            ValueError will be suppressed when `default_config` is specified bug not presented in command line,
            and `no_default_config_action` is set to `ignore` or `warn`.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='ignore').dict()
            {'a': 2}

            ValueError will be raised when `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `ignore`, and `warn`.
            >>> p = ConfigParser()
            >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='suppress').dict()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got suppress

        if args is None:
            args = sys.argv[1:]

        if config is None:
            from .config import Config  # pylint: disable=C0415

            config = Config()

        if no_default_config_action not in ("warn", "ignore", "raise"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got {no_default_config_action}"

        # add the command-line arguments
        key_value_args = []
        for arg in args:
            if args == "--":
            if arg.startswith("-"):
                key_value_args.append(arg.split("=", maxsplit=1))
                if not key_value_args:
        for key_value in key_value_args:
            if key_value[0] not in self:
                if len(key_value) > 2:
                    self.add_argument(key_value[0], nargs="+")

        # parse the command-line arguments
        parsed = self.parse_args(args)

        # parse the default config file
        if default_config is not None:
            parsed = self.merge_default_config(parsed, default_config, no_default_config_action)

        if config.getattr("parser", None) is not self:
            config.setattr("parser", self)
        return config.merge(parsed)

    def parse_args(  # type: ignore[override]
        self, args: Sequence[str] | None = None, namespace: NestedDict | None = None, eval_str: bool = True
    ) -> NestedDict:
        Parse command line arguments and convert types.

        This function first calls `ArgumentParser.parse_args` to parse command line arguments.
        It ensures the returned parsed values is stored in a NestedDict instance.
        If `eval_str` is specified, it also performs `literal_eval` on all `str` values.

            args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
            namespace (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
            eval_str (bool, optional): Whether to evaluate string values.
        parsed: dict | Namespace = super().parse_args(args, namespace)
        if isinstance(parsed, Namespace):
            parsed = vars(parsed)
        if not isinstance(parsed, NestedDict):
            parsed = NestedDict({key: value for key, value in parsed.items() if value is not Null})
        if eval_str:
            for key, value in parsed.all_items():
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    with suppress(TypeError, ValueError, SyntaxError):
                        value = literal_eval(value)
                    parsed[key] = value
        return parsed

    def add_config_arguments(self, config: Config):
        for key, dtype in get_annotations(config).items():
            self.add_config_argument(key, dtype=dtype)
        for key, value in config.all_items():
            self.add_config_argument(key, value)

    def add_config_argument(self, key, value: Any | None = None, dtype: type | None = None):
        if dtype is None:
            if isinstance(value, Variable):
                dtype = value._type or value.dtype  # pylint: disable=W0212
            elif isinstance(value, Field):
                dtype = value.type
            elif value is not None:
                dtype = type(value)
        if _should_collect_from_parameters(dtype):
            args = get_args(dtype)
            if len(args) == 2 and NoneType in args:
                dtype = args[0] if args[0] is not NoneType else args[1]
        name = "--" + key
        if name not in self:
            help = None  # pylint: disable=W0622
            if isinstance(value, Variable):
                help = value._help  # pylint: disable=W0212
            elif isinstance(value, Field):
                help = value.metadata.get("help")
            if dtype is None or not isclass(dtype):
                return self.add_argument(name, help=help, dest=key)
            if issubclass(dtype, (list, tuple, dict, set)):
                return self.add_argument(name, type=dtype, nargs="+", help=help, dest=key)
            if issubclass(dtype, bool):
                return self.add_argument(name, type=parse_bool, help=help, dest=key)
            return self.add_argument(name, type=dtype, help=help, dest=key)

    def merge_default_config(self, parsed, default_config: str, no_default_config_action: str = "raise") -> NestedDict:
        message = f"default_config is set to {default_config}, but not found in args."
        if default_config in parsed:
            path = parsed[default_config]
            warn(f"Config has 'default_config={path}' specified, its values will override values in Config")
            return NestedDict.load(path).merge(parsed)
        if no_default_config_action == "ignore":
        elif no_default_config_action == "warn":
            warn(message, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
            raise RuntimeError(message)
        return parsed

    def identity(string):

        return string

    def __contains__(self, name: str):
        if name in self._option_string_actions:
            return True
        return False

identity(string) staticmethod

Source code in chanfig/
def identity(string):

    return string

parse(args=None, config=None, default_config=None, no_default_config_action='raise')

Parse the arguments for Config.

You may optionally specify a name for default_config, and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

There are three levels of config:

  1. The base Config parsed into this method,
  2. The base config file located at the path of default_config (if specified),
  3. The config specified in arguments.

Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).


Name Type Description Default
args Sequence[str] | None

Command-line arguments. Defaults to None.

config NestedDict | None

existing configuration.

default_config str | None

Path to default config file. Defaults to Config.

no_default_config_action str

Action when default_config is not found. Can be one of ["raise", "warn", "ignore"]. Defaults to "raise".



Name Type Description
config Config

The parsed Config.


Type Description

If default_config is specified but not found in args, and no_default_config_action is neither warn nor ignore.


If no_default_config_action is not in raise, warn and ignore.

See Also

parse_config: Only parse valid config arguments.


Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--i.d', '1013', '--f.n', 'chang']).dict()
{'i': {'d': 1013}, 'f': {'n': 'chang'}}

Values in command line overrides values in default_config file.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--a', '2', '--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], default_config='config').dict()
{'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

Values in default_config file overrides values in Config object.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], config=NestedDict(a=2), default_config='config').dict()
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

ValueError will be raised when default_config is specified but not presented in command line.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config').dict()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: default_config is set to config, but not found in args.

ValueError will be suppressed when default_config is specified bug not presented in command line, and no_default_config_action is set to ignore or warn.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='ignore').dict()
{'a': 2}

ValueError will be raised when no_default_config_action is not in raise, ignore, and warn.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='suppress').dict()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got suppress
Source code in chanfig/
def parse(  # pylint: disable=R0912
    args: Sequence[str] | None = None,
    config: Config | None = None,
    default_config: str | None = None,
    no_default_config_action: str = "raise",
) -> Config:
    Parse the arguments for `Config`.

    You may optionally specify a name for `default_config`,
    and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

    There are three levels of config:

    1. The base `Config` parsed into this method,
    2. The base config file located at the path of `default_config` (if specified),
    3. The config specified in arguments.

    Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).

        args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
        config (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
        default_config (str | None, optional): Path to default config file. Defaults to `Config`.
        no_default_config_action (str, optional): Action when `default_config` is not found.
            Can be one of `["raise", "warn", "ignore"]`. Defaults to `"raise"`.

        config: The parsed `Config`.

        ValueError: If `default_config` is specified but not found in args,
            and `no_default_config_action` is neither `warn` nor `ignore`.
        ValueError: If `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `warn` and `ignore`.

    See Also:
        [`parse_config`][chanfig.ConfigParser.parse_config]: Only parse valid config arguments.

        Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--i.d', '1013', '--f.n', 'chang']).dict()
        {'i': {'d': 1013}, 'f': {'n': 'chang'}}

        Values in command line overrides values in `default_config` file.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--a', '2', '--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], default_config='config').dict()
        {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

        Values in `default_config` file overrides values in `Config` object.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--config', 'tests/test.yaml'], config=NestedDict(a=2), default_config='config').dict()
        {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'config': 'tests/test.yaml'}

        ValueError will be raised when `default_config` is specified but not presented in command line.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config').dict()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: default_config is set to config, but not found in args.

        ValueError will be suppressed when `default_config` is specified bug not presented in command line,
        and `no_default_config_action` is set to `ignore` or `warn`.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='ignore').dict()
        {'a': 2}

        ValueError will be raised when `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `ignore`, and `warn`.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse(['--a', '2'], default_config='config', no_default_config_action='suppress').dict()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got suppress

    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    if config is None:
        from .config import Config  # pylint: disable=C0415

        config = Config()

    if no_default_config_action not in ("warn", "ignore", "raise"):
        raise ValueError(
            f"no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got {no_default_config_action}"

    # add the command-line arguments
    key_value_args = []
    for arg in args:
        if args == "--":
        if arg.startswith("-"):
            key_value_args.append(arg.split("=", maxsplit=1))
            if not key_value_args:
    for key_value in key_value_args:
        if key_value[0] not in self:
            if len(key_value) > 2:
                self.add_argument(key_value[0], nargs="+")

    # parse the command-line arguments
    parsed = self.parse_args(args)

    # parse the default config file
    if default_config is not None:
        parsed = self.merge_default_config(parsed, default_config, no_default_config_action)

    if config.getattr("parser", None) is not self:
        config.setattr("parser", self)
    return config.merge(parsed)

parse_args(args=None, namespace=None, eval_str=True)

Parse command line arguments and convert types.

This function first calls ArgumentParser.parse_args to parse command line arguments. It ensures the returned parsed values is stored in a NestedDict instance. If eval_str is specified, it also performs literal_eval on all str values.


Name Type Description Default
args Sequence[str] | None

Command-line arguments. Defaults to None.

namespace NestedDict | None

existing configuration.

eval_str bool

Whether to evaluate string values.

Source code in chanfig/
def parse_args(  # type: ignore[override]
    self, args: Sequence[str] | None = None, namespace: NestedDict | None = None, eval_str: bool = True
) -> NestedDict:
    Parse command line arguments and convert types.

    This function first calls `ArgumentParser.parse_args` to parse command line arguments.
    It ensures the returned parsed values is stored in a NestedDict instance.
    If `eval_str` is specified, it also performs `literal_eval` on all `str` values.

        args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
        namespace (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
        eval_str (bool, optional): Whether to evaluate string values.
    parsed: dict | Namespace = super().parse_args(args, namespace)
    if isinstance(parsed, Namespace):
        parsed = vars(parsed)
    if not isinstance(parsed, NestedDict):
        parsed = NestedDict({key: value for key, value in parsed.items() if value is not Null})
    if eval_str:
        for key, value in parsed.all_items():
            if isinstance(value, str):
                with suppress(TypeError, ValueError, SyntaxError):
                    value = literal_eval(value)
                parsed[key] = value
    return parsed

parse_config(args=None, config=None, default_config=None, no_default_config_action='raise')

Parse the arguments for Config.

You may optionally specify a name for default_config, and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

There are three levels of config:

  1. The base Config parsed into this method,
  2. The base config file located at the path of default_config (if specified),
  3. The config specified in arguments.

Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).


Name Type Description Default
args Sequence[str] | None

Command-line arguments. Defaults to None.

config NestedDict | None

existing configuration.

default_config str | None

Path to default config file. Defaults to Config.

no_default_config_action str

Action when default_config is not found. Can be one of ["raise", "warn", "ignore"]. Defaults to "raise".



Name Type Description
config Config

The parsed Config.


Type Description

If default_config is specified but not found in args, and no_default_config_action is neither warn nor ignore.


If no_default_config_action is not in raise, warn and ignore.

See Also

parse: Parse all command-line arguments.


Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse_config(['--a', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()
{'a': 1}

You can only parse argument that is defined in Config. error: unrecognized arguments: –b 1

Python Console Session
>>> p = ConfigParser()
>>> p.parse_config(['--b', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()
Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemExit: 2
Source code in chanfig/
def parse_config(  # pylint: disable=R0912
    args: Sequence[str] | None = None,
    config: Config | None = None,
    default_config: str | None = None,
    no_default_config_action: str = "raise",
) -> Config:
    Parse the arguments for `Config`.

    You may optionally specify a name for `default_config`,
    and CHANfiG will read the file under this name.

    There are three levels of config:

    1. The base `Config` parsed into this method,
    2. The base config file located at the path of `default_config` (if specified),
    3. The config specified in arguments.

    Higher levels override lower levels (i.e. 3 > 2 > 1).

        args (Sequence[str] | None, optional): Command-line arguments. Defaults to `None`.
        config (NestedDict | None, optional): existing configuration.
        default_config (str | None, optional): Path to default config file. Defaults to `Config`.
        no_default_config_action (str, optional): Action when `default_config` is not found.
            Can be one of `["raise", "warn", "ignore"]`. Defaults to `"raise"`.

        config: The parsed `Config`.

        ValueError: If `default_config` is specified but not found in args,
            and `no_default_config_action` is neither `warn` nor `ignore`.
        ValueError: If `no_default_config_action` is not in `raise`, `warn` and `ignore`.

    See Also:
        [`parse`][chanfig.ConfigParser.parse]: Parse all command-line arguments.

        Note that all examples uses NestedDict instead of Config for avoiding circular import.
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse_config(['--a', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()
        {'a': 1}

        You can only parse argument that is defined in `Config`.
        error: unrecognized arguments: --b 1
        >>> p = ConfigParser()
        >>> p.parse_config(['--b', '1'], config=NestedDict(a=2)).dict()  # doctest: +SKIP
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SystemExit: 2

    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    if config is None:
        raise ValueError("config must be specified")

    if no_default_config_action not in ("warn", "ignore", "raise"):
        raise ValueError(
            f"no_default_config_action must be one of 'warn', 'ignore', 'raise', bug got {no_default_config_action}"

    # parse the command-line arguments
    parsed = self.parse_args(args)

    # parse the default config file
    if default_config is not None:
        parsed = self.merge_default_config(parsed, default_config, no_default_config_action)

    if config.getattr("parser", None) is not self:
        config.setattr("parser", self)
    return config.merge(parsed)